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BOOK BUNDLE FINAL 2_edited.jpg

Arm yourself for what is happening right now, prepare for what is coming next on God's timeclock, and learn what we have to prepare for during the greatest test in Church history, the Great Tribulation. 


It this special limited quantity bundle, you get...


3 books:

1. "Spiritual Prepper" by Pastor Jake McCandless 

2. "Flee To The Mountains" by Pastor Christopher Mantei

3. "Iran's Great Invasion" by Mark Davidson

and 2 online courses:

1. Flee To The Mountains, the Course

2. 10 Signs the Return of Jesus is Near

All for just $77

Help our ministry and prepare yourself and those you love!


***After ordering, CHECK YOUR EMAIL for the links to access the 2 online Courses! If you have any questions or trouble, just email us at - thank you and God bless you in Jesus name!

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